Photo by Riki Kaplan- Women of Jerusalem Haredi Participant
0202 Podcast- Beyond Black and White
A look at the different shades of ultra-Orthodox society
The Haredi community's insularity often results in misunderstandings and discrimination from broader society, which mainly relies on mainstream media portrayals of Haredim.
To counter these misconceptions and shed light on authentic 21st-century Haredi life, 0202—Points of View from Jerusalem created a 12-episode podcast series about Haredi society. The podcast delves into areas where Haredi society has evolved and interacted with broader society, offering a unique viewpoint and profound insights into their world.
Topics include technology, attitudes towards sexual assault, higher education and leaving the Haredi world. Through these episodes, the podcast effectively enhanced public understanding of crucial community issues dispelled stereotypes and cultivated a more nuanced perspective of their identity.
For Listening